Saturday, November 9, 2013

Wall- E AE #3

My reaction to the movie clip was devastated. I cannot believe how a cartoon movie could really connect with real life situation. It feels so real and heart breaking to see what a beautiful world of nature turn into something that ruined so much people. There is not one single life creature or plant showing. This really makes me wonder if our world today will dramatically change.

As I was watching some things that really caught my attention was the way they were communicating with each other. When the guy was on the moving chair and he was talking to this one guy on his screen thinking of what they are going to do that do. It made me see that, the only way the communicated was through the screen but not actually talking face to face. Even the parents were communicating with their children through the screen. I want to know what kind of parenting they had. Its not right to talk to your kids through the screen, wouldn't you want to actually see them in person, feeling that great love of giving hugs, showing how happy they are that they have them to emotionally and spiritually be in touch with them.

Another thing that caught my eye was when the guy told wall-e to take the cup and he fell off his chair. He was so big that he needed asisstance to help him get back on his chair. They are not getting the physical exercise they need. Also the way they were eating was sipping through a cup with food that was blended together. These characters in the movie could have health problems and losing their family.

Hopefully someday technology will never work again so we could once be a family and live the life with the nature.

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